Monday, November 16, 2009

Out of the closet (as an Obama voter)

So pretty much my whole office (possibly excepting my boss, who wasn't in the room) now knows I voted for Obama. If I lived in any normal city in Texas, this would probably still make me in the minority at the DA's office, but it wouldn't be a big deal. Because I work in the 106th District, though, I'm probably the only liberal for something like 50 miles. (I'm guessing there's a few in Lubbock and Midland, since they both have universities...) Although, to be fair, I know there were at least SOME Obama voters in all four counties in our district, since I looked it up when Danielle was here a couple months ago. I sent a text to about a dozen people this evening saying something along the lines of "So today I was outed as an Obama voter" and I'm basically writing this entry to chronicle some of the responses:

"Oh dear" - DT
"Uh oh, no trial for you!" - MW
"Oh no. You still have a job?" - LN
"Uh oh... Will there be trouble now?" - AW
"Oh dear how did that go?" - KB
"Have you been tarred and feathered yet??" - KC

and my personal favorite:

"Is the lynch mob forming?" - DK

Funny side note: I told my mom "Today I was outed as an Obama voter" and either she didn't hear or didn't understand what I said, because she asked me what that meant. Sigh/<3


  1. You're lucky, at least you're outed. I'm still not outed as a democrat and I've been in the same workplace for 15 years.

  2. JC has decided against the lynch mob and will just post unflattering pictures of you accross town.
