Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friends, Alias, and Emily

In reverse order...

Shout out to Emily Hatcher for a comment similar to that previously noted by DK regarding the lynch mob and my being outed as an Obama voter at work. (Incidentally, it seems rather inappropriate that the spell check on this blog still has a problem with the President's last name. It's like Kindles (c) not being able to pronounce "Barack Obama" in news articles a few months back...)

I decided today to restart the Alias series. I own the first three seasons, and I'm already on disk three of the first season. I have a friend here who owns all five seasons (Heather, Greg's wife) but it would be more fun if one of the owners of all five came to visit! (That's right, I'm talking to you, Emily and Elise!)

As to friends, it's really simple. I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH! My nickname at work is "Outta Town Katie" or OTK because I'm gone so much, but it's because when I'm here I'm bored out of my mind. As shown by the fact that this is my second blog post in less than 24 hours. Anyways, I am again encouraging everyone to come visit me so that I don't become like Bridget Jones (also watched both of those earlier today before starting Alias...I rest my case) and end up dying alone and eaten by a pack of wild dogs. Perhaps I'm being a bit melodramatic, but I LOVE hosting visitors if anyone feels like making the trek to Lamesa! I can offer a drive-in movie theater, a comprehensive if somewhat random tour of town that includes my official ADA office complete with diplomas on the wall, baked goods and home cooking, and Scout the delightful puppy.


Friday, December 4, 2009

A Baby Changes Everything, or Let's Do a Rock Remix of Traditional Christmas Hymns

The tree all lit up at the end of the show.
The choir climbing up onto the Christmas tree.

As to the title of my post: today Sue gave me a ticket to a free show at Lamesa First Baptist. The show is called "A Baby Changes Everything" and is basically a musical theater synopsis of the Christmas story. The following is my review of the performance. It was okay. Mostly the singing was good, but it was distracting to have the residents and visitors to Bethlehem speaking in a west Texas drawl. In terms of acoustics, the sound was good and the choir sang well, singing along to a cd of the instrumental accompaniment. At one point there was a brief cello solo in the recording, and I waxed nostalgic for the days of Christmas concerts in orchestra. In my opinion, however, the best part of the show was actually part of the set. Odessa Baptist loaned the church a 32' 5" Christmas tree set piece on whose tiers stood 66 members of the choir (I counted...twice). There were several additional members on the floor, in addition to characters singing, making a total of (by my count) 77 vocal performances, but I digress. The super tall Christmas tree was not only tall and tiered, it was LIT UP in an outline of a tree on the sides, and the front of each tier had blinking red, orange, green, blue, and white lights that turned on and off and blinked in time to the music. Whoever was doing that (probably preset to the music and run by computer) was much more impressive than the person running the spotlights. I saw better following by tech theater at my high school. However, it was an enjoyable show and better than just staying home all evening, which was my alternative. (Although it didn't save the whole evening...I'm posting this at 9 pm on a Friday night. Lamesa is lame.) Overall, I give the show a B, and that might be higher if I weren't a big city girl with high expectations for theatrical performances. :)

As to work: This was kind of a big week for me. We had docket Monday through Thursday, once in each county, and two of them were just me in the courtroom. Wednesday Greg was running grand jury and Thursday I was totally on my own, running a Gaines County felony docket. This may or may not sound impressive, but it was six pages of cases, four pleas, one crazy judge, and a partridge in a pear tree. In any case, I'm proud of myself. Next week I may be running grand jury in Gaines County, depending on what Brian has going on that day. TBD.

In other news, Scout had her last round of shots at the vet yesterday, so she's good for the year. She's up to roughly 18.6 pounds, but she wouldn't sit still on the scale so that's merely an estimate. As time passes, I'm increasingly expecting her to look like a Shiba Inu, rather than a husky. We shall see.

Peace out, readers.