Monday, July 26, 2010

What do you take me for, a blogger?

Lisa said I should update my blog. It's been more than two months since I last wrote a post, so she may have a point. Let's see...I'm looking for a job so I can move back to Houston. I've applied to an ever-lengthening list of DA's offices and other possibilities but so far, no luck. My sister is job-hunting and, in the meantime, working at a math/science camp for girls in 4th - 8th grade. Kyle got a job in Houston, moved there last Wednesday, and started work today. Tomorrow is the first day of the last bar exam where I'm likely to know very many people taking it. I have seen Avenue Q, Beauty and the Beast, and Wicked in the last two months. (The latter two in the past two weeks.) I have visited Austin, Houston, Arlington, and will be visiting San Antonio soon.

If you want to hear about my job, that's something to be told in person and not discussed online, because it is a long and complicated tale of woe and whoa. I'm so punny. Supposedly I may be sitting second chair in trials soon, which would substantially improve my marketability, but I've been told I'd get to do that before and it didn't happen, so I'll believe it when I see it.

I finished "How to be Good" by Nick Hornby on the way to Houston last Thursday. I love his storytelling style and the characters' voice, but it was definitely my least favorite among his books. I have a stack of other books to read, including five new additions to the stack thanks to Jay (Kyle's mom). Thanks, Jay!

In other news, Scout is now a year old (as of July 2) and it appears she'll max out at around 30 pounds, which is smaller than originally expected or desired, but turns out to be good for travel. She's big enough to be a real dog, but I can still bring her places fairly easily in my car (although she's too big to fly Southwest).

People who haven't visited me yet and still want to: I have a couple probably free weekends in August, or we can start talking September. I love hosting visitors and I'd love to show you around Lamesa. It'll take 15 minutes. That's all I can think of, so have a good day and, as ever, I'll try to be better about updating.