Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blogger fail

I'm pretty much the worst blogger ever. Still no trials, lots of travels, my baby sister has now graduated from college, Kyle is officially Dr. Williams, and I (rather masochistically) have decided to run the capital to coast relay with Michael's team. The last is dependent on getting enough girls to make a coed relay team, but I'm hopeful. I suck at running, but I'm going to try because I want to be able to run with Scout (although I'll never be able to keep up with her) and fit into my thin jeans again. For that and other reasons, please feel free to say a prayer, light a candle, sacrifice a virgin goat at midnight, whatever your preference for getting your requests granted as they pertain to my succeeding in life. Not that I'm self-centered or anything.

In the near future, I have lots of travels and a few visitors to look forward to: Ange and a friend are coming through Lamesa this weekend and Kyle and I are going to see Avenue Q with my family next weekend. Woohoo for people coming here and my getting the heck out (but not at the same time).


  1. Can I still sacrifice something if I don't use the ritual on your behalf?

  2. The people are demanding an update. Blog, Katie, blog!
