Thursday, October 14, 2010

Aurora is no more-a

I had a car accident driving home on October 8. I am fine. My left foot is still a little sore from banging into the underside of the dash/steering column/whatever it was I kicked, and I have a bruise on my right arm, but I'm otherwise unscathed. Scout was in the car and is likewise, fine. I am incredibly lucky. My 2001 Civic, Aurora, did not come out so well. I was driving east on I-20, came up a hill onto an overpass in Roscoe, TX, started to veer because I wasn't paying close enough attention and over-corrected. I then proceeded to play pinball between both concrete barriers on the bridge and wound up on the center grassy median. Both airbags deployed and my long-suffering Civic was totaled. I was able to get a tow to Sweetwater, and the towing company gave me and another couple a ride to the Abilene airport, where I was able to procure a car from Hertz. I am NEVER using Hertz again. I'll walk before I rent another car from them. I returned the car less than 24 hours later and as of now, they've charged me $181 for less than 24 hours use of a Camry. I will be contesting this, particularly in light of the fact that, seeing as my Civic is no more, I bought a replacement vehicle last weekend. I am now the owner of a 2010 Honda Insight (black) that, so far, has gotten up to 37.3 mpg. I'm working to improve that number and hoping to beat the Honda claims of 40 mpg city and 43 mpg highway.

In other news, Greg is gone. He was the first assistant and has left to be an ADA in Llano, Texas. He was replaced by Amy, who worked with Brian in the DA's office in Lubbock. Improvement? YES. So while I would like to get back to Houston as soon as possible (and the job search is ongoing) I am happier being stuck in Lamesa than I was a couple months ago. Amy's been an attorney for long enough that she has no problem giving me the lead on trials, so I'll probably actually get some good experience with her here instead of Greg, who apparently didn't think I was ever ready to be a trial attorney. I think my 10 year sentence on a 3rd degree felony speaks otherwise, but whatever.

As for my job search, I've now sent in resumes to Galveston, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Montgomery, and Brazos Counties, as well as several Judicial District offices closer to Houston. So far, no dice. Keep your fingers crossed and/or your prayers ongoing that something comes up soon. Given the choice, I'd much rather move in winter than summer.

That's really all the big change that's happened since I last posted. Have a good weekend!

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