Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hello, autumn

So I haven't updated in awhile. This is getting to be a bigger problem as time goes on, so I'll try to do better. Let's see...I have my car back, after three weeks without it. State Farm (insurer of the F-150 that hit me) paid for the rear damage but not the front, so from the back my car looks new and from the front it looks the same, but the crumple zone was replaced (and maybe more, I'm not sure) but it's safe again. Woo. I freaking hate unlicensed drivers and want to put them all in jail because I'm vindictive like that. I also hate stupid people who don't bother to look and see who hit them, but instead assume that it must've been me, since I actually stopped at the scene of the accident. FALSE. Ok, done with the rant, unless someone wants more details, then I'll just tell you.

Last week were the first trials since I started working in Lamesa. One was a mistrial that may or may not be retried, depending on how double jeopardy shakes out in the particular circumstances, and the other was a PCS - cocaine for which defendant was found guilty and sentenced to four years and a $3,000 fine. Go team. Next Friday we're supposed to be picking juries for one or two more cases, that may or may not actually go to trial. At this point, only one of them is even a maybe, the other won't be happening. Hopefully I'll actually get to do something in this one, although that idea simultaneously excites and terrifies me.

I also went to my first CLE last week, in San Antonio. Lauren graciously hosted Scout and I, and I spent three and a half days watching/listening to videos of lectures. Gross. There was some useful information, but I hate the thought of doing that every year for the rest of my career. Sigh. Stupid state bar with your stupid "continuing education" and expecting people to stay current on what the law actually says.

In other news, Scout's doing well. She's mostly potty trained and generally limits her chewing to toys and nibbling on people. But it's an affection thing when dogs bite like she does, according to Pooh's vet. (Pooh was the dog my family got when I was a kid, for those who didn't know her...) She's almost 3 months old, and will be going to the vet again next week, at which point I'll actually know quantitatively how much bigger she is.

I have a note on my desk at work that says "you personally need to pick up your credit card from auditor." Apparently I get a work credit card here. That seems like just asking for trouble, but hey, at least I'm not a mad crazy shopper like some people I know. And if a plane ticket to Maui magically appears on the statement, it definitely wasn't me. :) That's all I can think of, so have a good week and visit me!

Link of the day: http://www.omggopwtf.com/


  1. yeah, waay too much potential trouble in the whole work credit card thing.

  2. I've used my church's credit card before, and I did well with that.
