Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So I've been a little busy and haven't been updating...oops. I'll try to remedy that now. But in my defense, I've been out of town the last two weekends and Scout takes up a goodly amount of time. Let's see...

The last weekend in August I went home to see people and pick up my puppy. She's adorable (see facebook for pictures) and pretty well behaved, for being so young. However, on the way home from picking her up and seeing Tony's new apartment, I was in a car accident. Aurora was smushed between an F-150 (black) and a Jeep Cherokee, also black. The truck hit me, I hit the SUV, and the SUV hit the Altima in front of it. I find it amusing that the girl at fault (who's also unlicensed) and the car that left the scene are both black, whereas my car is white. Maybe I took too many English classes in college. Anyways, the truck's insurer (State Farm) has agreed to pay for the damage to the back of my car, but since bitchface claims I hit the SUV before she hit me (FALSE!) they're thus far refusing to pay for the damage to the front of my car. However, discussions are ongoing and the worst of the damage is all repaired. We shall see what happens. Sigh. I hate people.

On a happier note, I spent Labor Day weekend in Austin. I got to see Kyle, Lisa, Erin, Lisa, Lauren, Linsey, and Michael, not to mention a good number of Kyle's friends at their last-minute show Sunday night. Twas good times. Scout wasn't a huge fan of tubing, but I think she'd like it better if it were warmer outside. I also got to visit HPB (I never realized how much I'd miss not having a bookstore nearby!) and several restaurants that Kyle and I tend to frequent whenever I'm in town. Overall a fun weekend, although I wish I could make Kyle's last few months of grad school more pleasant. I guess the end of grad school has to be miserable so you appreciate it more when it's over. Maybe.

On the work front, I'm going to miss the first trial since I started working here (robbery of a convenience store...can you get more cliched?) next week, because I'll be at a criminal law CLE. Oops. Oh well, I should be back in time for the second trial, unless druggie mcdruggerson decides to plead out. Lame. But on the upside, I'm working on another appeal, so once again my name will be on the record with the Eleventh Court of Appeals. Neat. (And just think, I could've applied to a job there and been closer to everyone...poor life decisions...except I hardly think that would have ended up being a better job.)

I think the above rambling mostly catches any stray readers up on my life. I hope the car stuff gets sorted out soon and Scout continues to be a good puppy. In the meantime I'll just keep be-bopping along and I hope everyone is doing well in your respective cities and lives. :)


  1. Sorry about your car! Did that girl get in trouble for not having a license, or is she getting off scott free?

  2. the viewing of the white/black cars having some form of significance means that yes you have taken way to many english classes. (though cause my car is gold doesn't that make me super awesome?)
