Sunday, September 27, 2009

Not camping

Four days of docket, in all four counties, last week. This week is (for me) preparation for a case that may or may not go to trial in November. So, I guess that means my first trial may be in November. We shall see. In any case, we're maybe having trial next week (jury selection set for this Friday) so I may get to do something with that even sooner. In the meantime, I'll write offers and read a case that nobody's looked at in a couple years. I hope we finish wading through the old cases soon...stupid former DA and his lazy non-working cases. At least the cases on which I'm making offers are new, so they're "my" cases from the beginning. :) Not that I'm possessive, I just get a warm-and-fuzzy feeling when I do a plea on a case in which I made the plea offer and negotiated with the attorney and all. This whole actually using my degree is still a novel concept, and I like it!

I was supposed to go camping this weekend, and made it as far as Austin, but the camping was cut short after people were a little loud at the campsite Friday night. Instead, we hung out at several people's apartment pool and then ate copious amounts of chili and queso at Christine/Carlos/Sam/Chad's house. Good times. :) Also, Scout got to play with several other dogs, which is all good because I want her to be comfortable around people and dogs. She's good with people, but so far kind of aggressive and seems to think she's a boy. (She was humping a similarly-sized boy dog all evening...awesome.)

I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm finished with my autumn 0' in Lamesa is boring. At least Scout keeps me busy; I just wish she could talk. Living alone is no bueno. Moral of the story: people should come visit me! The end.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe Scout saw the SATC movie? Anyways, what would we do if I visited? I have reservations being that close to Lubbock.
