Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why is Lamesa

Here's a question: why would anyone choose to live in a small town? It's entirely possible that I've just been spoiled by living in large urban areas all my life, but I for one would not be here if I'd had a job offer anywhere else. I don't understand the people that choose to remain in BFE when they have the chance to live elsewhere. However, I'm also bitter because all my friends are many hours away and I don't get to spend time with people outside work, because everyone I work with has a family and the accompanying obligations. They have spouses and kids, and I have a puppy. Also a time commitment, but the conversation isn't quite as good. Besides which, I've never been the only liberal in my environment, and I've never been surrounded entirely by conservative Christians who are openly homophobic and borderline racist. I miss being in the midst of a plurality of opinions.

In work news: we may have jury selection in a week and a half for a trial that was supposed to happen a month ago but was postponed due to a defense witness being hospitalized. This would not be a big deal except we're also supposed to have a trial in mid-November on an injury to a child case where the victim, a not-quite-three boy, was in the hospital for over a month and still, three years later, is dealing with ongoing health and developmental problems from being beat up by his mom's boyfriend. I don't believe in the death penalty, but I come pretty close in cases like this one. Here's hoping he takes the plea offer so it doesn't have to go to trial, because that would be a hard case to try. Just reading through all the evidence, medical records, etc. was heartbreaking. Should find out in a few days whether it'll be a plea or a trial.

On a happier note, I enjoyed going home for my dad's birthday last weekend. Lisa, Daddy, and I went to see Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in 3D. Pretty sweet, but the 3D doesn't really add that much to the story. Bonus: there was a preview for Toy Story 3. Can't wait! Also can't wait to see my Houstonians in a few days. Thanks in advance to everyone who makes time to see me while I'm there. :)

1 comment:

  1. My roomate and I have been debating about the death penalty for the past few days now he's pretty militantly for it and I'm against it in practice but not nessecarily on principle. Anyways I hope Lamesa strikes oil and undergoes rapid economic expansion culminating with the building of a giant bank vault that then get mysteriously robbed by an unknown daring vigilante.

    please don't become a boderline racist homophobe I would then have to like you a little less.

    Maybe see you sometime in Dec?

