Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lamesa reinforces negative stereotypes

So it's been just over a month since I last posted. I've been busy. Finished the Alias series yesterday. (courtesy of Kyle, who gave me the last two seasons for Christmas...go Kyle! :) ) I officially started training for the Frisco to Ft. Worth MS-150 taking place May 2-3. I'm really out of shape and my knees are mad at me. Here's hoping I can get my shit together on that one. Scout got spayed a week ago. Over Christmas week I visited Austin, Houston, Sugar Land, and Arlington, which added up to at least 1,200 miles driving. Why yes, I am hard core, thank you. I made a batch of chicken noodle soup for my co-workers that went (almost) completely unappreciated and uneaten. My coworkers discovered that I can be entertaining when I drink. (lowered inhibitions + an ex-wife named Velvet = what would you do?!?) Last but not least, I bought my plane ticket and reserved my room for Las Vegas for my/DK's birthday weekend. If you're reading this, you're implicitly invited.

I really wish I'd ended up in a place where I don't feel like the odd (wo)man out all the time. The other two attorneys are bff's who practically share a brain, and they and the two investigators are all former cops so they have a common background there, too. I am constantly trying to catch up or get the joke or allusion and find out days later things that they tell each other but seem to forget to tell me. Palm to face. I know I'm just bitching, and I'm sorry if this isn't as clever or amusing as I'd like, but I cannot wait to work at a place where I feel comfortable around the people and don't feel off-kilter all the time.

As for the title of this post:
  • Apparently PHARMACISTS in west Texas can't read, like all rednecks, since the CVS pharmacist gave me the wrong amount of my prescription despite it being typed up by the doctor's office. Not hand-written, typed. Clever.
  • Based on my co-workers, everyone in west Texas is conservative, Baptist or Methodist, homophobic, and expects a woman my age to be married with kids already. At our office Christmas party, the judge was shocked that I'm a good baker "and you don't even have children." Apparently you can't have one without the other here. F you.
  • Mexican food is legit "eating healthy" food, including chips and salsa, enchiladas, and sour cream.
  • We drive one block to go to court when we have docket in Lamesa. (Although, to be fair, since I wear heels to court, I selfishly kind of like this even though it's completely ridiculous.)
  • Girls are inherently worse at math and science than boys. Seriously, this was said by two of my coworkers in conversation today (both women.) One of whom was an ACCOUNTING major in college. OH MY GAWD THEY'RE STILL IN 1950!!!
  • I'm sure there's more gems, but these are all I can think of right now. This is probably the first in a series, though...
Have a good week, a happy new year, and may your coworkers be more enlightened than mine. *plunks head on desk in disgust*


  1. We both FAIL in life for not being married and having kids! One day I hope to be be successful!

  2. I work in a place where I feel off-kilter all the time. And I live in the big city. It's our age and life experience that's the problem!
