Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Been awhile

So it has been so long since I last posted, I forgot my password and had to get a new one. Oops. Since I last posted, I attended the NBA All-Star game, went to Las Vegas for my birthday, hosted Lauren in Lamesa, visited Austin and Arlington multiple times, reread the Harry Potter series, pre-ordered the third Lisbeth Salander book from UK Amazon (which did not work like I'd hoped...they still just sent it today even though it has thousands more miles to travel to get to me than someone who's actually IN the UK...boo hiss), downloaded Words with Friends on my phone (further feeding my word game obsession), purchased additional books and music, pissed off the judge in a big way while doing what my boss told me to do, met Tony's girlfriend, apparently developed allergies to some thing or things in River Legacy Park in Arlington, saw Spring Awakening in Dallas, spoke at the Christian Women's Job Corps about law, specifically wills and child-custody stuff (for which I am completely unsuitable but probably the best they could get in Lamesa, and the only attorney in town within 20 years of the audience's average age), and will this weekend host Beth and Echo during their west Texas adventure.

Life on the job front is pretty much the same: still no trials, I do research and plea offers. There's going to be an intern working for the judge this summer. He goes to Texas Wesleyan but is hoping to transfer to Tech because he's from Loop, one of the even-tinier-than-Lamesa towns in my district. On the one hand I'm excited because he's a not-married, under-40, doesn't-have-kid(s) person like me, and unlike everyone else I work with who are all some combination of at least two of those factors, but on the other hand all I can think is "you poor, innocent 1L...run while you still can! She will destroy any joy you once found in life!" I have to wonder how, out of all the literally hundreds of district courts in Texas, he ended up with the 106th. I know karma can be a bitch, but this guy must've killed a hooker and buried her in the desert or something to deserve interning for that woman for two months. Jeebus. She's like Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada, except she's a vocal Republican with a bit of a Napoleon complex.

In other news, I've now watched the first three seasons of How I Met Your Mother, courtesy of Erin. Thanks for the loan, I'm officially a fan. I'm currently wondering how many times I can re-watch before returning the dvds. And it's not lame of me to do that, because I'm in Lamesa and there's nothing better to do. :)

Incidentally, if anyone happens to see Black Cherry Berry flavored tea (made by Celestial Seasonings) please tell me where I can find it. Thus far I've only found it as part of a multi-flavor pack of fruit teas, and I'm hoping it's sold in boxes on its own somewhere out there in real civilization.

That's all the random news I can think of...I'll try to be better about updating. Really.


  1. I wonder if its just a coincidence that lamesa has lame built into the title?

  2. I love words with friends. Miss you friend.
