Thursday, August 20, 2009

Just call me Negative Nancy

I hate living in a place where I don't have anyone to hang out with after work. Life is boring when you can't even choose to be by yourself or not, it's being forced upon me. Granted, I did this to myself by applying to work in a town I'd never heard of before, but that doesn't really make me feel any better, since I was applying everywhere and not hearing back from anywhere, so I'd expected more of the same. I even tried to ride my bike today for the first time since moving here, but it's been too long since I've used it so my tires are flat. I have a little pump that goes on the bike, but either it's ineffective or the operator is, and the air pumps at gas stations are really too big for a bike tire's nozzle. Sigh. I guess I'll just bring my bike home with me next weekend and take it to Sun and Ski Sports, because they're nice and helpful. I'm just grouchy today, and I really shouldn't be, because tomorrow's Friday and Danielle's coming through on the way to Brandon's wedding. Yay, a visitor!

Also, since I haven't written in awhile, Lisa's 21st birthday was a blast. She celebrated as she ought and Kyle and I DD'd so she and her friends could have fun, which generally speaking, I think we all did. :) Today was also Linda's (office secretary) birthday, so we had cake.

Tomorrow's going to be a tough day at work because I have to (jointly) tell a mom that the case against a guy charged with sexually assaulting her daughter is being dropped because he passed two separate polygraphs. That's going to be unpleasant, based on previous interaction with them. Sigh. But it's all about justice being done, so I think that's what's happening, at least as far as the guy is concerned.

That's all that is new with me. Over and out.


  1. I didn't think polygraphs were generally acceptable forms of evidence. I'll try to come visit soon.

  2. they aren't admissible in trial, but they're useful tools nonetheless.
