Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...

Interesting fact from last weekend: while Danielle was visiting, I had the inspired idea to look up and see how many people in my judicial district (the counties of Dawson, Gaines, Garza, and Lynn, for those not keeping track) voted for Obama in 2008. Of about 60,000 people in the whole district, 2,804 people voted for him according to cnn.com. Wow. Awesome. But at least I received my voter registration card in the mail today, so I'm officially able to cancel out one red Dawson County voter. Although I can't vote straight party, because I do like my boss and he's as GOP as they come. :)

In other news, had a blast with Danielle. (I miss my friends!) We ate dinner from the drive in and caught up on gossip and whatnot Friday. Then she came back through on the way home Sunday and we got lunch at Sonic. I think I'm actually starting to get burned out on Sonic drinks, which makes me sad. There's just a lack of options here.

Today we had the first grand jury since I started working in Lamesa. Eight cases, eleven jurors, five officers testifying. All in all, took just under 3 hours to indict (I think) all of the variations on the cases. Woot. Docket tomorrow and Thursday, then grand jury again Friday in another county. Nothing terribly exciting (so far as I know) going on this week, but I'll probably be sending more people to prison or probation since we'll be in several more counties this week. There is rumor of potential drama at docket on Thursday, but I'll wait to see if anything actually happens before sharing. I'm mean like that. :)

That's all I can think of that's new and different in my life. Have a good night!

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