Thursday, August 13, 2009

A lawyer, a Texas ranger, and three game wardens walk into a DQ...

First off, last weekend was generally fun. My cousins are awesome, Maria was super for letting five of us stay at her house with three dogs, and it was good to see various family members I hadn't seen in many years. Some drama ensued among Grandma's kids (my aunts and uncles) but none of it involved me, and it wasn't as bad as expected. We ate a lot, drank some, didn't sleep much, but had a good time. And I made a friend on the flight home. Woo. This weekend should be even better: less drama, more sleep, and two of my favorite people! :)

Seriously, this week has been...real. Monday afternoon a guy was found murdered in his house in Lamesa. No worries, he lived in the bad part of town (southeast...I live north central) and it was probably drug related, so I am not fearing a drive-by or anything. On the upside, I've now been to my first murder scene, which sounds really cool until I tell you the body had already been removed. But it was a long day: most of us (police, sheriff's deputies, Texas rangers, ADAs) didn't leave the office until around 10:30, and boss stayed even later. Tuesday we had court, and I actually did the state's part of sending someone to TDC, so I've officially (helped) put someone in prison. Woo. Most of the week has revolved around investigating the murder. Today we stayed at the office until 7, waiting for a call from the PD that didn't come.

Today was also the circumstance that led to today's title. Brian, one of the rangers, wanted to get food, so I went with him to DQ to get dinner. We arrived at the same time as three Texas game wardens from Marfa, so we sat and ate with them. Apparently every county has at least one game warden, some have more than one, and some counties share a single warden (like our four-county judicial district). These are the things you learn when you eat dinner with four peace officers. Also, every peace officer in Texas seems to have at least 50% friends in common (or acquaintances in common) with every other peace officer, so if you get too many of them together, it's bla bla do you know this nauseum. But I'd still rather be on the good side of the law and slightly bored, enjoying my blizzard, than the alternative. :)

Have a great weekend!


  1. He lived probably, what? Maybe a whole three minutes from your house? ;) I kid, I kid. I hope you find the guy responsible and in doing so take down an entire Lamesa crime ring, and become famous. That would be neat. On a completly unrelated topic, do you still want a dog? You can have mine. He just chewed into the wall. No, it wasn't a corner. Just straight into a flat wall. ...Yeah.
