Friday, July 3, 2009

Avoiding unpacking

Current status: I'm avoiding unpacking and borrowing someone else's wireless internet. I'm on my fourth movie of the day (Blazing Saddles, Snakes on a Plane, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, and now You Only Live Twice).

Update on my life: Everything was moved into the house in about half an hour because the contractor, Chris, had several people come over to help. The house is beautiful, but way too big and lacking appliances. Right now I have a dorm fridge and a microwave. No washer/dryer, stove, oven, refrigerator, and no place to install a dishwasher. (bitch moan, bitch moan. my blog.) On the upside, my living room is set up and all my movies and board games are unpacked. My bathroom is mostly decorated. My bedroom and the living room have curtains, installed by me. (go me.) The rest of the house is rather less settled. However, I'm definitely open for business as far as wanting people to visit me. I'm lonely. I start work on Monday and we're closing on the house sometime this week. Maybe the same day I start work or maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. I hate this delay delay delay shit.

Things I've learned since arriving: I get splinters when I walk barefoot in the backyard. The Lamesa Wal-Mart closes at 10 pm. Lubbock has a decent mall, with a Rudy's and Freebirds nearby. Ikea dressers should not be moved by one person, because they get somewhat broken. Latin hip-hop singers exist, and one is the brother of the contractor who sold us the house. Jalapeno's is better Mexican food than Savannah's. The Lamesa Chinese buffet is overrated. Medium Pizza Hut pizza boxes fit in my dorm fridge. I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of right now.

Peace out.

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