Sunday, July 19, 2009

A few thoughts while the internet's working

I'm still stealing internet, so I should take advantage since it wasn't really working when I was trying to post pictures earlier.

Come to Lamesa because there's a drive in movie theater. Super fun in itself, but add tasty cheap food, including something called a chihuahua which is my new favorite 4000 calorie food, and you have a great evening. Assuming you have a citronella candle in the car to drive off some of the bugs, and it doesn't start raining. Harry Potter on a BIG screen is fun, but the book is still (of course) much better.

My dad, Lisa, and Tony are awesome for visiting me this weekend. Woo for having shelves and towel rods installed and appliances on the way. I never really thought about how much money goes into a house that's just been redone until moving in here. It's amazing how many things this house doesn't have, considering it was just redone. Like towel racks, toilet paper holders, curtain rods, all the things you never think about but when you go to buy them all at once, (if you're me) you can't bring yourself to do it because in combination they're EXPENSIVE. Boo hiss. Oh well, at least the house is looking more lived in now.

Last but not least, I highly recommend Hoosiers, The French Connection, The Firm, and Mississippi Burning. All Gene Hackman movies, all good. I've watched them all in the past week. Not surprisingly, I watch a lot of movies here.

Have a good week, and for those of you taking the bar, keep studying but don't forget to sleep and eat and not be a hermit. At this point, there's only so much you can learn before the bar. You'll be fine.

1 comment:

  1. Behind enemy lines and crimson tide are also great gene hackman movies
