Thursday, July 2, 2009

Preliminary thoughts

It's 6:30 in the morning and I've been up for an hour already because I woke up and can't get back to sleep. That will make moving in today just awesome. The drive here was ok except there's no cruise control in the Uhaul and mom insisted on going in front, so I couldn't use cruise control either. At least I was very safe and texted most of the time, and even took a few pictures. (They will be posted later, once I unpack the cords for my camera.) I thought the juxtaposition of oil rigs in the foreground and windmills in the background was pretty appropriate for Texas right now...we need to get our energy shit sorted out, but that's a diatribe for another day. In the meantime, here's hoping the move in goes as smoothly as my mom seems to think it will.

1 comment:

  1. have faith katie! and you can at text me at anytime to complain about moving, i hate the process.
