Monday, July 27, 2009

I fancy myself to be a novice gardener

To catch you up on work, Thursday I received my official ADA badge. It's a silver star with my name, my title, and the office, that will soon be in a black leather wallet. (SWEET!) Friday I did my first pleas in court. For non-lawyers, that means three of the defendants to whom I made plea offers the week before accepted, so the three pled guilty to a total of nine counts of burglary (of a building, which is a state jail felony, and of a habitation, which is a second degree felony). So, three just-barely-adults are now on probation as a direct result of my work. (again, SWEET!) Also, I found out today that one of them may have already done something that violates his probation, so we may end up revoking his delinquent butt. Remains to be seen.

I spent the weekend in Austin, where I went to a Killing Industry show at Trophy's with Kyle and Erin on Friday night. Saturday we played softball, kickball, horseshoes, and swam for Sam's birthday party. Good times, except I realized how super out of shape I am. Sunday I drove back to Lamesa after watching Role Models, which I would encourage everyone to see. I'd give it 3, maybe 4 stars. The drive between Lamesa and Austin is about 6 hours, which isn't terrible, but gets a little scary after dark near Austin, because the road's so hilly and curvy. For anyone who may be visiting me, I'd suggest getting gas in Big Spring or San Angelo because it's cheaper in those cities than other places along the drive.

Today I spent a solid three hours weeding; one hour in the backyard and two in the front. Other than the fact that there's a few more spots of just dirt, you can hardly tell I was even out there. It's rather discouraging. However, I have ambitious plans for my yard, so I'm going to keep plugging away at it. (My ambitious plan is primarily to be able to walk barefoot in my yard and have more grass than weeds...yes, it's really that bad.) Anyways, hopefully I'll have a mowable yard before I acquire a dog, because I could lose a small dog in my backyard jungle right now.

That's all I can think of that's new in my life...have a good week, good luck on the bar, and make plans to visit me! :)

1 comment:

  1. I can totally help with your gardening now that I know more about plants then I ever thought I would

    Does your badge look anything like a sherrifs badge cause thats totally awesome

    I enjoyed role models, mainly becuase I like Paul Rudd and the scene at the end where he sort of sings KISS.
