Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bitchy McCantbepleased

Today we had two pleas and a parole revocation hearing. This should have taken no more than 90 minutes total, but our judge takes 20+ minutes per plea, and the hearing lasted 2.5 hours. Really. The length of the hearing was made worse by the fact that we didn't start until 4:00 pm because up to that point there was a hearing trying to divide up someone's farm assets (cattle, land, John Deeres, etc) among three squabbling siblings. I wanted to punch them in the face and tell them to suck it up, they're getting free stuff. But back to criminal law...the defendant in the hearing has an inability to accept responsibility for anything and seems to like behaving like a 13 year old girl. (she's about 45) So, she was simultaneously the most annoying and the most hilarious defendant I've ever seen. She was on probation beginning in 2004 for food stamp fraud, then got a federal charge in 2006, but they still gave her another chance. Bitch has had about five chances, and she still doesn't seem to understand that HER BEHAVIOR is what's getting her in trouble. Another amazing characteristic: she can't seem to answer a question. She'd get something about why she quit her job, and start talking about fake medical issues. The best part is, that in about 13 years when she gets released from state and federal prison, if she goes back to her prior home she'll live about three blocks from me. Awesome.

In other news, I watered my yard last night and then it rained today. I learned that if it's raining or has rained heavily, I have to take a different route home to avoid drowning my car. Not a big deal, but good to know. Also, when I FINALLY left work at 7:30, i decided to check out Los Ybanez. This is the half section about a mile southeast of Lamesa that was incorporated as a town specifically so they can sell booze. Unfortunately, it's a drive thru (kind of cool) that only takes cash (not cool.) So Katie won't be making herself a margarita tonight, despite talk of it during the looooong hearing today. C'est la vie. Overall, life is good. I still like the job, the house is growing on me (although the idea of home ownership still scares me), and I have thus far had a regular stream of visitors, who make life happier. Keep the visit's coming, y'all!

Also, thanks to Emily H. for the title of this one, from days long ago at TU. :)

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